

Looking after the snails

Looking after the snails
"I have decided to construct this hub as it seems so many people have no idea how to care for their snails. I have recently been given two GALS by a friend. They were in a terrible "

So there I was last Sunday evening, washing the turnip tops ready for dinner, when I found a snail. Well, it happens. He seemed to have survived 24 hours in the fridge quite happily, and was clearly perking up, so I popped him on my spider plant while I decided what to do with him. And then I found another one … and another one… and …

By the time I’d finished I had five of them – and quite honestly had lost most of my desire for turnip tops that night. But what was I going to do with them? Temperatures outside were well below zero, and a quick look at the internet said that snails freeze if they haven’t got themselves into a well-protected position before temperatures drop. And whilst one on the balcony chomping away at the plants probably wouldn’t have done much harm (they were very small), I wasn’t sure I wanted five of them running rampage for the whole winter.
So the snailery was born. A large glass vase covered with clingfilm with airholes punched in. And the five of them – Fred, George, Ron, Bill and Percy – have been happily chomping away on a basil plant, plus various vegetable peelings that I’ve popped in for them, for the past week.

OK, OK. Like my family you probably now have that expression on your face which says This time she’s really flipped – but I am not alone. I have discovered a whole website dedicated to keeping snails as pets…
And oh dear – I find I have to get my act together. I’ve got to provide them with calcium, cook their carrots and potatoes, stock up with tortoise food in case I get snowed in and can’t provide them with fresh greens, make sure they have somewhere to lay their eggs, protect them from mites …
I’m not entirely sure whether I’m supposed to take them for regular walks – but I suppose come spring a few excursions on the balcony might be in order…

Search Suggestion
On this site there is information about looking after snails and general snail care, but it is also full of jokes and anything else that I could find to do with snails..
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can tell me how long after the mating scene she should lay her eggs. I keep looking around the tank (above the water line) and I have not found any eggs. facts: mystery snails, 55 .
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After the snails have laid their eggs, put the pots in a nursery where the eggs will hatch. Keep the young snails in the nursery for about 6 weeks..
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Most common aquarium snails are Ramshorn snails. If thereĆ¢€™s presence of only one or can make interesting aquarium subjects so that whole aquarium is more natural looking. After .
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I knew I should follow him since I had the snails, but I wasn't going up there in just my panties and his t-shirt. "Well, as long as you're both okay," Esme said, looking after .
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Before we moved in, an old woman lived in this house. And the house was unoccupied after she died for more than half a year. I suspect she might have stopped looking after her .
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It had a foot very similar to a snail but again, after looking closely through a 6x magnifying glass it had no discernable shell. It was a pale color, almost gray in .
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He likes looking at himself in the mirror and flaring up every now and then. stop giving him his tropical flakes for a few days would he start going after the snails?.
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How to Get rid of stupid tiny Snails??(looking for a good loach or something)? i saw like 2-3 little brown snails in my 10g but after coming home at around 11 last .

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